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The Collaborative International Dictionary

cross-question \cross-question\ n. a question asked in cross-examination.


n. a question performed during a cross-examination vb. (context transitive English) to subject#Verb to close questioning.


n. a question asked in cross-examination

Usage examples of "cross-question".

But after fifteen to twenty minutes of it, Nimmo found himself suppressing a yawn and began to cross-question Sorges about some of the things he had said.

After three months, he had commenced unconsciously to regard her as a sort of relative whose pleasure at feeding him superbly was as normal as her constant cross-questioning, anent his mail, his friends, his students, other professors, their wives, and such further lore as might interest her.

Mariko cross-questioned him on where it was usually found and what it looked like or smelled like, and on possible alternatives.

He wanted time to examine his blinding new thought about Osaka Castle and that battle, and he was tired of talking, tired of being cross-questioned, but most of all he wanted to eat.

Then she cross-questioned Gyoko carefully, to make sure she understood clearly what she was being told and to etch it completely in her own memory.

Do you think that I will be suspected, perhaps watched, cross-questioned, and disbelieved?