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croquet ball

n. a wooden ball used in playing croquet

Usage examples of "croquet ball".

As soon as the ship entered the first gate like some clumsy croquet ball passing through the first of several thousand wickets, the blade of the accelerator-scissors began snapping open with a differential angular velocity nearing—.

Blinded by tears, he put a foot down on his kibble-colored croquet ball and crashed to the sward.

When I came later to try the game of croquet I decided that the blows dealt to Cosmo's head were only likely to have been given if the head was on the ground in the position of a croquet ball.

It is August 14th, 1965, a day that was, a day that still is in the mind of a dreaming woman handcuffed to a bed in a house on the shore of a lake forty miles south of Dark Score (but with the same mineral smell, that nasty, evocative smell, on hot, still summer days), and although the twelve-year-old girl she was doesn't see Will creeping up behind her as she bends over to address her croquet ball, turning her bottom into a target simply too tempting for a boy who has only lived one year for each inning in a baseball game to ignore, part of her mind knows he is there, and that this is the seam where the dream has been basted to the nightmare.

Very well, add to the roles this special ground rule: anything done to a croquet ball by a cat, good or bad, was part of the natural hazards.

Farrell realized later that they must surely have known the terror of the berserker in their own time, and that it was this that routed them, and not so much the fact that Ben knocked the Venetian briefly senseless with one end of the longaxe, then caught the Norman full amidships with the other and drove him out through the gate like a croquet ball.

Smoky said again, but when he rose, it was only to take a steel ball the size of a croquet ball from a rack of them in the back of the case.

His prostate gland now has the size and consistency of a croquet ball.

Jackson's stubby-barreled shotgun came loose from its bracket, its walnut stock clapping the Sheriff across the skull with a crack of sound like a mallet hitting a croquet ball.

The orange globe was about the size of a croquet ball and heavier than he expected, like a ball of a concrete.

The orange globe was about the size of a croquet ball and heavier than he expected, like a ball of concrete.

But the bottle was glass, and he swung forcefully, hard enough that it smacked her forehead with a sound like a mallet cracking against a croquet ball, hard enough to put her out in an instant, maybe even hard enough to kill her, yet the Merlot remained ready to drink.