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cropped up

vb. (en-pastcrop up)

Usage examples of "cropped up".

Tom's notes to himself, his case references, the comments and questions that cropped up as he proceeded.

New disputes cropped up daily, and his invitation to stay was reluctantly extended by a gaggle of proud merchants.

The unseen warcraft had functioned effectively on its maiden voyage, but further plans had been delayed while technicians repaired mechanical bugs that cropped up afterward.

That story about the planes for England cropped up in Time a couple of months ago.

He was very effective as a diplomat and ambassador, working with the CIA, which was of course set up in every embassy, using his social standing and contacts to smooth the way whenever a problem cropped up.

He had always planned on someday letting Richard know about this, but there had never been any time and, until the problem with the books of prophecy had cropped up, it hadn't seemed critical.