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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Crookedness \Crook"ed*ness\, n. The condition or quality of being crooked; hence, deformity of body or of mind; deviation from moral rectitude; perverseness.


n. The state of being crooked

  1. n. a tortuous and twisted shape or position; "they built a tree house in the tortuosities of its boughs"; "the acrobat performed incredible contortions" [syn: tortuosity, tortuousness, torsion, contortion]

  2. having or distinguished by crooks or curves or bends or angles [ant: straightness]

  3. the quality of being deceitful and underhanded [syn: deviousness]

Usage examples of "crookedness".

The mine shafts, when examined, will be definite proof of crookedness on the part of these criminals.

He lived by the crookednesses of people, and therefore was convinced that straight doings in the world were quite exceptional.

Much of the time, baffling winds and the crookedness of the stream made sailing impossible, and the boats were towed by men walking along the banks.