heavily criticized
▪ The report was heavily criticized in the press.
▪ Former Prime Minister Jan Olszewski was also criticized.
▪ Bennett also criticized Gingrich for his handling of a controversy surrounding Jackson and Rep.
▪ The opposition parties had also criticized other aspects of the electoral law.
▪ Norton also criticized the control board for studying whether the city should put a city manager at the helm.
▪ The report also criticizes Nirex for seeking to rush through its proposals without proper public consultation and expert examination.
▪ He was also criticized for employing a staff member who made inappropriate comments about a committee witness's religion.
▪ It also criticized the electricity companies for failing to take the lead in developing alternative energy sources.
▪ Also criticized was the second woman who claimed Albert assaulted her.
▪ It is important to note that for a variety of reasons clauses of this kind have been heavily criticized.
▪ Bozeman was heavily criticized for replacing Campanelli.
▪ The larger estates were heavily criticized for absent or late provision of social and community facilities.
▪ That neutrality is often criticized as hypocritical: all manner of metaphysical conclusions-as above-are usually taken as gospel.
▪ Two senior investigators into Stasi connections were dismissed in early March after publicly criticizing the government's exoneration of De Maizière.
▪ Can a teacher be dismissed for publicly criticizing school policy?
▪ Trovoada had been under increasing popular pressure to take action against Daio after the latter publicly criticized him on April 3.
▪ Can teachers be disciplined for publicly criticizing their immediate superiors?
▪ Miller resigned abruptly after Hallinan publicly criticized her for failing to report the incident to him in a timely manner.
▪ But he had been on the bad side of the government lately, having publicly criticized it for censoring authors.
▪ Pena was roundly criticized by senators who lectured him about public grandstanding and insufficient attention to safety concerns.
▪ The slickly produced pamphlet listed numerous general goals but offered little in the way of specifics and has been roundly criticized.
▪ In 1972 he had suggested independence as Ulster's best course and been severely criticized by Paisley and others.
▪ As the war dragged on with little success, he was severely criticized.
▪ The planting has been sharply criticized by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds because of the effect on local bird life.
▪ Yet the president is sharply criticized for convening a national forum to discuss our racial divisions.
▪ The change has been sharply criticized by environmentalists.
▪ Reno has been criticized sharply by congressional Republicans for her failure to name an independent counsel.
▪ Matiukhin sharply criticized Gaidar's team and expressed disagreement with the government's budget commission.
▪ In the morning, he sharply criticized Jones for maverick marketing policies and accused him of trying to tear down the league.
▪ E was later sharply criticized by the Public Utilities Commission and politicians such as state Sen.
▪ This part of the Act has been strongly criticized and to some extent misused for a minority of very difficult cases.
▪ Former president Nixon strongly criticized Bush for failing to respond to the crisis in the republics with a massive aid program.
▪ Weber strongly criticized Marx's attempt to explain all social cleavages as the product of economically based class structures and struggles.
▪ It had also been strongly criticized by the tobacco industry.
▪ Parsons has been strongly criticized on all these points.
▪ Social services departments were strongly criticized in the 1980s for not taking more effective action to protect children at risk.
▪ It was strongly criticized by a majority of the Congress and by both business and the trade unions.
▪ In the 1960s and 1970s, psychologists strongly criticized the discipline's predominantly middle-class constitution.
▪ The target has been widely criticized as too low.
▪ This money is not usually distributed on a truly competitive basis, a process that is widely criticized.
▪ Judge McKinnon had been widely criticized for comments made during his hearing of a case of inciting racial hatred.
▪ The King was also widely criticized for in effect putting his conscience above his role as head of state.
▪ The budget was widely criticized as being unrealistic and irrelevant to the real needs of the eastern economy.
▪ He also criticized the Blaize administration for the country's low credit rating.
▪ He has praised gang-fighting efforts and criticized the Clinton administration for waging an inadequate fight against drugs.
▪ When Republicans made a similar proposal in 1995, they were vigorously criticized by the administration.
▪ Dole may receive some help from the national Republican Party, which is already planning to run ads criticizing Clinton administration policies.
▪ The next day Guo criticized the finance committee decision.
▪ Endara criticized Arias's decision as political opportunism, claiming that he intended preparing his candidature for the 1994 presidential elections.
▪ The Bush administration criticized the decision and threatened to use its veto powers.
▪ Kuhn's position leaves us with no way of criticizing the decisions and mode of operating of the scientific community.
▪ The report also criticized the department for refusing to accept that new roads generate more traffic.
▪ The document has been criticized by environmentalists for merely offering suggestions and not setting out proposals for action.
▪ The change has been sharply criticized by environmentalists.
▪ The reductions have been criticized by environmentalists as not going far enough.
▪ The thinking behind the report was criticized by environmentalists.
▪ Unlike most candidates calling for change or reform, Brown never had to forcefully criticize city government.
▪ However, the Supreme Soviet criticized the government over its social protection measures.
▪ Our purpose is not to criticize government, as so many have, but to renew it.
▪ In authoritarian media systems, the media might be privately owned but have only limited freedom to criticize government.
▪ In Doncaster over Christmas, I had been thinking constantly about criticizing the Government.
▪ For its part, Friends of the Earth criticized the lack of statutory recycling targets.
▪ Inevitably the reality of photography was criticized for its lack of style.
▪ The report criticizes a lack of co-ordination on sea defences.
▪ He criticized Bevin for lack of imagination - surely an inverted compliment given its implication of positive contributions in the past.
▪ They also criticized the evident lack of contingency plans to prevent or respond to accidents of this kind.
▪ They criticized the lack of an automatic shut-off mechanism in the cooling system.
▪ He has criticized the lack of internal democracy in the party, founded in 1990 by former Environment Minister Brice Lalonde.
▪ Alexander I.. Lebed took center stage to criticize the ailing leader and cast himself as heir apparent.
▪ Democrats have criticized the Republican Party for financing of the cable deal.
▪ The question is not just whether it criticizes the Conservative Party but when it criticizes the Conservative Party.
▪ Political balance can not be achieved by criticizing one party during the mid-term of a parliament and another at election time.
▪ Environmentalists have criticized the plan as naive.
▪ George Pataki who criticized the reform plan for denying Medicaid benefits to legal immigrants who are not citizens.
▪ Therefore it would be rash to pretend to criticize community care plans.
▪ Several members of Congress have already criticized the plan.
▪ They criticized his flat tax plan because it would tax wages but not investments.
▪ And some intellectuals have criticized official policy without suffering repercussions.
▪ Can a teacher be dismissed for publicly criticizing school policy?
▪ Can an underground newspaper be prohibited from criticizing school policies?
▪ Dole may receive some help from the national Republican Party, which is already planning to run ads criticizing Clinton administration policies.
▪ They criticized the president for punishing both the innocent and the guilty and for exacting such harsh punishment.
▪ Jesse Jackson have criticized the president for signing the welfare act.
▪ The next morning, Gandhi criticized the Sapru proposal.
▪ On receiving it you use this report to criticize the employee's work.
▪ The result is that for sending in the report to criticize the employee's punished.
▪ While based upon an extensive data base and significant historical research, this Rand report has been criticized as being too pessimistic.
▪ Though his subsequent report did not directly criticize Campbell, it did attack the overall structure of the police and judiciary.
▪ The current spate of reports on the schools criticizes parents for not involving themselves in the education of their children.
▪ The report also criticized the department for refusing to accept that new roads generate more traffic.
▪ The report also criticizes Nirex for seeking to rush through its proposals without proper public consultation and expert examination.
▪ MelAmid is a term used to criticize some one s capabilities or competence.
▪ Often he made them criticize each other's work.
▪ But Brown, who spent more on travel than any of his predecessors, was also criticized for his overseas work.
▪ On receiving it you use this report to criticize the employee's work.
▪ I work very hard and put in long hours, but my direct supervisor is constantly criticizing my work.
▪ What have I been criticized for at work?
▪ In essence, if she criticizes your work, she is criticizing herself.
▪ All that he could do was criticize the assembly's work from the outside.
▪ The three members contributed regular essays, or else original compositions, and criticized one another's work at group meetings.
criticize/nag/hassle sb up one side and down the other
roundly condemn/criticize etc
▪ And every year the report's findings are roundly condemned by Tory politicians for being excessively negative.
▪ Pena was roundly criticized by senators who lectured him about public grandstanding and insufficient attention to safety concerns.
▪ Such inequality was roundly condemned by the Old Testament prophets.
▪ The slickly produced pamphlet listed numerous general goals but offered little in the way of specifics and has been roundly criticized.
▪ Under normal circumstances that would be a thoroughly anti-democratic development, to be roundly condemned.
▪ I meet with several other artists and we criticize each other's work.
▪ It's easy to criticize, but managing a football team can be an extremely difficult job.
▪ Jackson declined to criticize his opponent, choosing instead to focus on his own message.
▪ People are always criticizing the Royal family, but I think they do a good job.
▪ Stop criticizing my driving!
▪ The President criticized the proposal as expensive and impractical.
▪ The United Nations was criticized for failing to react sooner to the crisis.
▪ In this chapter, the inductivist account of science will be criticized by casting doubt on the third of these assumptions.
▪ It was not undertaken to support, refute or criticize contemporary urban and regional theory.
▪ Moreover, the students are culturally expected to criticize not only the university itself but the entire society.
▪ She would never have thought of criticizing his hardness.
▪ The question is not just whether it criticizes the Conservative Party but when it criticizes the Conservative Party.
▪ Though his subsequent report did not directly criticize Campbell, it did attack the overall structure of the police and judiciary.