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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Crimple \Crim"ple\ (kr?m"p'l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Crimpled (-p'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. Crimpling (-pl?ng).] [Dim. of crimp, v. t. ] To cause to shrink or draw together; to contract; to curl. [R.]


vb. (context archaic English) to crumple, crimp

Usage examples of "crimple".

The ritual by which this reward was begrudgingly given was unusually humiliating, but they expected this and merely lowered their eyes and shuffled forward in the line, ready to sacrifice any remaining shards of their self-respect in exchange for the crimpled scrap of plastic.

She whirled and stomped back toward the cash register, toward the old man’s milkshake glass, empty but for a brown froth and a crimpled straw.

She whirled and stomped back toward the cash register, toward the old man’s milkshake glass, empty but for a brown froth and a crimpled straw.

With a quick kick, Crimpler upended the table and pinned down three of them.