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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Crimination \Crim`i*na"tion\ (kr?m`?-n?"sh?n), n. [L. criminatio.] The act of accusing; accusation; charge; complaint.

The criminations and recriminations of the adverse parties.


n. An accusation of wrongdoing, a recrimination

Usage examples of "crimination".

She was devastated by what her own bitter re criminations the day before had unleashed on her.

But, when I heard what occurred at the trial,—the bitter crimination and recrimination, the open rupture, the menaces exchanged, and the angry parting,—and, more alarming than all, when I saw my father return in that fearful mood, from which he still refuses to be diverted, the last gleam of hope faded, and all became cloud, all gloom,—dark, impenetrable, and forbidding.

Then there had been slight official criminations and recriminations, till a state of things had come to pass which almost justified the statement by the Duchess to Mrs Finn.

A night later, off the coast of an island called Pan Tang, when the ship was safe from the dreadful re criminations of the Dragon Masters and their beasts, Elric stood brooding in the stern while the men eyed him with fear and hatred, muttering of betrayal and heartless cowardice.