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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Criminate \Crim"i*nate\ (kr?m"?-n?t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Criminated (-n?`t?d); p. pr. & vb. n. Criminating (-n?"t?ng).] [L. criminatus, p. p. of criminare, criminari, to criminate, fr. crimen. See Crime.]

  1. To accuse of, or charge with, a crime.

    To criminate, with the heavy and ungrounded charge of disloyalty and disaffection, an uncorrupt, independent, and reforming parliament.

  2. To involve in a crime or in its consequences; to render liable to a criminal charge.

    Impelled by the strongest pressure of hope and fear to criminate him.


vb. 1 (context transitive construed with '''of''' English) To accuse, incriminate, impeach. 2 (context transitive construed with '''of''' English) To rebuke, censure, reprimand.

  1. v. bring an accusation against; level a charge against; "He charged the man with spousal abuse" [syn: accuse, impeach, incriminate]

  2. rebuke formally [syn: reprimand, censure]

Usage examples of "criminate".

The evidence produced was sufficient to criminate the Marquis of the intention of murder, in the minds of most people present.

Libanius, who imputes his death to the soldiers, attempts to criminate the court of the largesses.

But no sooner had he returned, alone and defenceless, than a hostile commission was sent to the East, to seize his treasures and criminate his actions.

The consequence is that, while it is permissible to teach birth control to the well-to do, it is criminate to teach it to wage-earners and their wives.

When you criminate so severely the great man whom we revere, we might fairly retort on the conduct of him whom you adore.

He gathered everything in: ob servations ofCherenkov and information about the rest of the faculty and staff of the expedition as welt, the kind of indis criminate data that would collect in the back of his mind, work like fermenting beer, and help him discover a way to complete his mission.

They must have been in a hurry to get rid of in criminating evidence and didn't vet the stuff thoroughly.

No Christian can, I say none but evil workers can criminate my visiting such of my poor flock as have at any time fallen under the terrible and sensible molestations of Evil-Angels.