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crime syndicate

n. a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities [syn: syndicate, mob, family]

Usage examples of "crime syndicate".

What he did not realise was that the crime syndicate now spread across the country and could operate just as smoothly without Luciano.

After we arrived in the United States, we were brought here by the enforcers from Qin Shang Maritime, where we were turned over to an American-Chinese crime syndicate.

No pickpocket would be stupid enough to risk what would happen to him if he stole the wallet of someone high up in a crime syndicate.

I don't believe the Beachcomber actually realized that he was aiding and abetting a crime syndicate until it was too late to back out.

They're involved with some kind of money-laundering scheme set up by an organized-crime syndicate from New York.

Against all the odds, the warrior survived his first engagement with the omnipotent crime syndicate and swept on to confront the brutal godfathers on other battlefields.

The crime syndicate's taken an interest in this planet lately, and we've wondered about the attraction.

The Hutt crime syndicate will be more powerful than the Rebels or what's left of the Empire.