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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cricoid \Cri"coid\ (kr?"koid), a. [Gr. ???? ring + -oid.] (Anat.) Resembling a ring; -- said esp. of the cartilage at the larynx, and the adjoining parts.


a. (context anatomy English) Shaped like a ring, usually with reference to the cricoid cartilage. n. (context anatomy English) The cricoid cartilage.

Usage examples of "cricoid".

Each arytenoid is movable on the cricoid and is connected with one end of a vocal cord.

The largest represents the thyroid cartilage, the next in size the cricoid, and the two smallest the arytenoid cartilages.

He had studied anatomy and could feel the cricoid cartilage break, collapsing the vocal ligament into her rima glottidis, rendering her mute.

Calmly, methodically, almost joyously he seized Murat around the throat and, staring into his eyes, jabbed his thumb into the cricoid cartilage of the Chechen leader's lower larynx.

The cricoid cartilage is completely separated from both the thyroid cartilage and the lamina.