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n. A crewmember.

Usage examples of "crewperson".

MerrywelFs crewpeople, not quite aimed at them but not far off target.

She tried to press her thumb down on the firing stud of her gun, its muzzle wavering off target so that her groggy crewpeople yowled and ducked, letting go of Alacrity.

All of the eighty-odd crewmen and crewpersons gathered around him on the terraced slope had lost weight.

Their various crewpersons stayed politely back while she was there, not interfering.

The extra time not only allowed me to determine how many police and crewpersons are on board but also to plant some potentially crippling counter-programming.

Most crewpersons preferred to serve their watches in the spin section's duplicate bridge, connected to this one by electronic ganglia, but some jobs required direct observation here in the ship's spearhead, and of course there were always one or two free-fall freaks.

Following officers and crewpersons tr temp dy stns Gateway for contraband inspection and compliance patrol.