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n. (plural of crevasse English)

Usage examples of "crevasses".

We understood now that the haycock formations were the result of pressure, and that crevasses were always found in their neighbourhood.

You can stay near the edges of the glacier, where there are almost no crevasses, and risk serious avalanche danger, or you can stick to the center of the glacier and never know when the snow and ice underfoot are suddenly going to collapse into a hidden crevasse.

The earlier snowstorm had hidden all the crevasses and we had heard or seen no avalanches in the past seventy-two hours.

There were far fewer crevasses near the face but an avalanche could catch us anywhere on the glacier.

Staying near the face carried its own risks, but it would also get us down the ice and out of avalanche danger in half the time it would take to probe for crevasses down the center of the glacier.

Gary and we all took off downhill, not worrying if there were bottomless crevasses directly in front of us, not caring at that point, just trying against all logic to outrun a wall of snow and ice and boulders roiling toward us at sixty miles per hour.

There were a few crevasses here and there, but we only found them dangerous at one or two points.

The lower part was much broken up and dangerous, and the thin bridges of snow over the crevasses often broke under us.

It seems almost incredible, but these men succeeded in working their way on foot over sea-ice and land-ice, cracks and crevasses, hard snow and loose snow, to the Magnetic Pole, and making observations there.

These crevasses were not deep, but they were steep-sided, so that the dog could not get out without help.

On the way they crossed a couple of crevasses, but there was no dog to be seen.

We could also see from some long but narrow crevasses we crossed that we must keep a good look-out.

We set our course along the white line that we had been able to follow among the numerous crevasses right up to the first terrace.

We saw some crevasses, of course, but they were far apart, and did not give us the idea that they would be a hindrance.

But here the side of the mountain was fairly steep, and full of big crevasses and a fearful quantity of gigantic blocks of ice.