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adj. resembling the new moon in shape [syn: crescent(a), semilunar, lunate]

Usage examples of "crescent-shaped".

These fell astern of us, and the bright-windowed houses of the harbor dwindled to a little crescent-shaped constellation on the moon-silvered sea, as the wind took us out in the open channel.

The clenched hand on his breast relaxed and slipped aside, and the watcher above saw then what talisman he wore on the chain: a bit of rough metal, crescent-shaped, it seemed.

The broken half of the garden tool in my hand was the business end of some sort of edging implement, with a sharp crescent-shaped blade.

From her temples down, she had a series of small, crescent-shaped spots running along her hair line and down her neck.

Although auxiliary workstations ran along both the port and starboard sides of the bridge, Karle could control all of the ship’s major functions, from navigation to sensors, from the crescent-shaped helm station facing the viewscreen.

Although auxiliary workstations ran along both the port and starboard sides of the bridge, Karle could control all of the ship's major functions, from navigation to sensors, from the crescent-shaped helm station facing the viewscreen.

He strode easily around the interlaced curves of the garden, locating bittersweet, colt's foot and lady's mantle, harvesting them with a small crescent-shaped blade that was polished to a brilliant sheen, and black as midnight.

Sticking out of a crescent-shaped sand ridge of a type known as a lunette were some human bones.

Jengar showed up at the lighthouse the next morning, just as Lexi and Tug were salvaging the great crescent-shaped sail and the steam boiler.

This crescent-shaped storm beach helped to create the legend of sudden, untold riches in South-west Africa.

The patches of soft mud among the tendrils are covered with looping, crazily intersecting animal trackways, each consisting of a subcircular double row of small crescent-shaped indentations that come out of the water, describe a loop, and return to the water.

Wishing to be in good condition for their landing, they divided the remainder of the night into watches, two going to sleep at a time, the man on duty standing by to control the course and to get photographic negatives, on which, when they were developed, they found two crescent-shaped continents, a speckled region, and a number of islands.

The Bolo's hull had done more than shield the colony from the blast, it had redirected it, sending a crescent-shaped shock wave away from the walls of the colony that had flattened trees for two kilometers, and killed aliens by the thousands.