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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Credit \Cred"it\ (kr[e^]d"[i^]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Credited; p. pr. & vb. n. Crediting.]

  1. To confide in the truth of; to give credence to; to put trust in; to believe.

    How shall they credit A poor unlearned virgin?

  2. To bring honor or repute upon; to do credit to; to raise the estimation of.

    You credit the church as much by your government as you did the school formerly by your wit.

  3. (Bookkeeping) To enter upon the credit side of an account; to give credit for; as, to credit the amount paid; to set to the credit of; as, to credit a man with the interest paid on a bond.

    To credit with, to give credit for; to assign as justly due to any one.

    Crove, Helmholtz, and Meyer, are more than any others to be credited with the clear enunciation of this doctrine.

  1. Something attribute#Verb to. v

  2. (past participle of credit English)


adj. (usually followed by `to') given credit for; "an invention credited to Edison" [syn: credited(p)]

Usage examples of "credited".

Her voice rang with a relief and amazement which was, Caissa credited her by her robe, probably genuine.

Alpha's plans to profit from a drug that should have been credited to Central Meds, Polyon's idea of creating a black market in metachips—no, Nancia assured herself, her passengers were nasty and corrupt as all get-out, but at least they weren't violent.

He's often credited with being the indirect cause of a successful revolution.

The official records cited and credited the Para-psychic Center with averting a major calamity, and loss of life and property.

She'd had only one glimpse of the injured Crystal Singer's face, but she never would have credited twenty decades to his age.

In most Conservatories, a man named Bach would have been credited with its composition.

On the other hand, Capiam's Craft had been credited with many incredible feats and displays of skill, secrets forgotten by disuse.

Dragons, particularly Ruth in Jaxom's biased opinion, obviously perceived far more than others credited to them.

In fact," Jaxom said with a slightly wicked grin, "if Toric gave Idarolan the word, Denol's marketable goods could be collected and sold north, and the profit credited to Toric!

Master Wansor of the Smith Craft Hall who had made a study of the stars and was one of his own leading Sea Masters had learned the Craft of meteorology from Aivas and had ridiculed the possibility but that hadn't kept it from being repeated, and credited by those without the specialized knowledge to recognize its fallacies.

Roch, credited with special healing powers, who had died in 1327, was the particular saint associated with the plague.

He was anything but a libertine in appearance, although the two bas­tard sons credited to him by contemporaries must have been fathered, judging by their age, when he was fifteen or sixteen.

Although a plot of his partisans was credited with effecting his escape or release, behind it the hand of Marcel and the mind of Robert le Coq were at work.

Their primary demand was the dis­missal of venal ministers together with the King’s mistress, who was generally credited with being both venal and a witch.

Consequently her husband believed he had reason to fear the Duke of Lan­caster, who was popularly credited with a wicked uncle’s designs on the crown.