adv. In a creative manner.
adv. in a creative manner; "she solved the problem creatively"
Usage examples of "creatively".
The interior decorator in Keely was excited, hoped to be creatively challenged.
Moreover, as he now bitterly realized, he had lived so obtusely that perhaps nothing whatever in his whole life was creatively unique and worthy of preservation.
To argue that because earthly rulers, in their anger and power, send retributive armies against their rebellious subjects, to bring them to judgment, destroy their homes and cities, and lay waste their lands with fire and sword, therefore God, the supreme King, will do so by the whole world, is not to reason logically, but to poetize creatively.
Seeing she lives, and of her joy of life Creatively has given us blood and breath For endless war and never wound unhealed, The gloomy Wherefore of our battle-field Solves in the Spirit, wrought of her through strife To read her own and trust her down to death.
In a creatively self-expressive web page, a person may therapeutically express himself to a group of people.
At White Plains, Minh Van Canh had, as always, employed his camera creatively.
Ray recalled that the multiarmed android war machines contained pseudo-quantum-gravity brains, the only AI mind matrixes to even approach the capabilities of the creatively superior human brain.
She had no way to know that, although they bore Basque names, these village people had become thoroughly French under the corrosive cultural pressures of radio, television, and state-controlled education, in which modern history is creatively interpreted to confect that national analgesic, la vérité à la Cinquième République.
Moreover, Allport did not see us as slavishly controlled by innate or external factors (like Freud and Skinner did) because humans have the ability to actively, creatively, and rationally make conscious choices about how to behave.
The litigants were compelled to abide by the judgments, not merely because the decisions were always wise and creatively fair, but because the judges' race would, if its decisions were questioned as suspect, destroy itself.
It's obvious from your last tape that you don't have time to think creatively about an alternative title, and I want your mind to be free for all of the things you have to do.
Hayashi slipped into rapid jargon, embroidering creatively on some basic Zeor techniques not in the Tecton manuals.
South on steaming Main Street to Wheelock, coercing the walkers and the groundcars out of his way when he couldn't skid around them, fuzzing his identity creatively so the cops wouldn't know who to pinch.
Twentieth-century bondage loops and docudomination rapidly degenerated to the home movies of a creatively depraved secret police officer.
And there was an unspoken subtext in each speech that never ceased to trouble him: the patronizing implication that he had done wonderful things for a robot, that it was close to miraculous that a mere mechanical construction like himself should have been able to think so creatively and to transmute his thoughts into such extraordinary accomplishments.