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creative work

n. (context chiefly copyright English) A tangible manifestation of creative effort, such as literature, music, paintings, and software.

Creative work

A creative work is a manifestation of creative effort including fine artwork ( sculpture, paintings), writing ( literature), filmmaking, and musical composition.

Creative works have in common a degree of arbitrariness, such that it is improbable that two people would independently create the same work. At its base, creative work involves two main steps—having an idea, and then turning that idea into a reality. The term is frequently used in the context of copyright.

Usage examples of "creative work".

Or is it any wonder that at the present moment we have no known creative work at all to match the requirements and possibilities of this fabulous period of ours &mdash.

Or is it any wonder that at the present moment we have no known creative work at all to match the requirements and possibilities of this fabulous period of ours -- post World War II -- of perhaps the greatest spiritual metamorphosis in the history of the human race?

The general meaning is that the Attainment has fitted the Adept to perform creative work in all spheres.

Under capitalism only a few lucky ones can afford to do some creative work, but even they are forced to sell their creative products in order to be able to buy their freedom from mechanical work.

In contrast to this, NanoTech opens up the possibility of doing creative work to every person on Earth, and also allows any person to immediately use the creative products of any other person.

Now, Sparky, we understand it was through ignorance that you didn't report your creative work until you were made aware of it.