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creative activity

n. the human act of creating [syn: creation]

Usage examples of "creative activity".

Don't you think that some kind of political organisation and work is necessary in the villages and that the village also can be a centre of culture and creative activity?

Hence they directed their attention first to those spheres where light manifests its form-creative activity, as in the moulding of the organ of sight in animal or man, or in the creation of the many forms of the plant kingdom - and only then gave their mind to the purely physical light-phenomena.

The story conferences at Skywalker Ranch, where so much creative activity was being poured into the prequel films.

In this way the machine automated progressively more of the mundane mechanics of solving a whole variety of problems, leaving him ever more free to concentrate on the more creative activity of evolving the problem-solving strategy.

This, of course, is the tendency of an advanced industrial society, wherein any attempt at creative activity on a mass level is inevitably short circuited and smashed.

All passion becomes strength when it has an outlet from the narrow limits of our personal lot in the labour of our right arm, the cunning of our right hand, or the still, creative activity of our thought.