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CREA may refer to:

  • Canadian Real Estate Association
  • Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy
  • Centre de Recherche en Epistémelogie Appliquée (CREA, Paris)-- in English.
  • Agglomeration community of Rouen-Elbeuf-Austreberthe ( French: Communauté d'agglomération Rouen-Elbeuf-Austreberthe)
  • Creativity European Association, an annual conference in Italy
  • Certified Reverse Engineering Analyst, a certification administered by IACRB
  • Creating Resources for Empowerment in Action, a feminist human rights organization based in Delhi
  • Pseudonym of the female Japanese singer Ayumi Hamasaki
  • Conselho Regional de Engenheiros e Arquitetos, the Brazilian certification board for engineers, architects and contractors
  • Cumbria Rural Enterprise Agency

Crea may refer to:

  • Serralunga di Crea, a municipality in Piedmont, Italy
  • Sacro Monte di Crea, a sacro monte (lit. 'sacred mount') near Serralunga di Crea
  • The Honda CHF50, known as the "Crea" in Japan

Usage examples of "crea".

I had assumed too hastily that this chapel was done just after the 1590 edition of Caccia had been published, and just before Tabachetti left for Crea in 1590 or 1591, whereas it now appears that it was done about 1610, during a short visit paid by the sculptor to Varallo some twenty years after he had left it.

Moreover, from the year 1590 and onward the chapels of Crea were begun, and of these, by advice of Monsignor Tullio del Carretto, Bishop of Casale, at the bidding of Michel Angelo da Liverno, who was Vicar of Crea, Tabachetti designed not fifteen but forty, and found himself at the head of the direction of the great work that was then engaging the attention of the foremost Italian artists of the day.

Crea is most easily approached from Casale, a large opulent commercial town upon the Po, that has already received the waters of the Dora Baltea, and though not yet swelled by the influx of the Ticino and Adda, has become a noble river.

Here, at any rate, I suppose him to have stayed till some time in 1590, probably the second half of it, his design of eventually returning home, if he ever entertained it, being then interrupted by a summons to Crea near Casale, where I believe him to have worked with a few brief interruptions thenceforward for little if at all short of half a century, or until about the year 1640.

We have already seen that the sanctuary at Crea was begun about 1590, a hundred years or so later than the Sacro Monte of Varallo, and a dozen years earlier than that of Varese.

Eusebius Chapel at Crea, we accept it with avidity, and we may be sure that the masters who gave us the figures above-named could have given us any number equally realistic if they had been inclined to do so.

At Crea, there are other figures by Tabachetti to which I will call attention presently, and which present not inconsiderable analogies to the Vecchietto.

There is one other chapel at Crea which may be by Tabachetti though I do not know that it is ascribed to him, I mean the one containing figures of the founder and his wife, a little below the main piazza.

There was a flowery one labeled SY, and a half digested one labeled CREAS, a mind boggling one labeled TY, an elegant one labeled ACHE, and a very fancily illustrated one labeled ORAMA.

O, how accursed is that system, which entombs the godlike mind of man, defaces the divine image, reduces those who by crea tion were crowned with glory and honor to a level with four-footed beasts, and exalts the dealer in hu man flesh above all that is called God!