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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Crazing \Craz"ing\, p. pr. & vb. n. of Craze, v. Hence: n. Fine cracks resulting from shrinkage on the surface of glazed pottery, concrete, or other material. The admired crackle in some Oriental potteries and porcelains is crazing produced in a foreseen and regulated way. In common pottery it is often the result of exposure to undue heat, and the beginning of disintegration.


Craze \Craze\ (kr[=a]z), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Crazed (kr[=a]zd); p. pr. & vb. n. Crazing.] [OE. crasen to break, fr. Scand., perh. through OF.; cf. Sw. krasa to crackle, sl[*a] i kras, to break to pieces, F. ['e]craser to crush, fr. the Scand. Cf. Crash.]

  1. To break into pieces; to crush; to grind to powder. See Crase.

    God, looking forth, will trouble all his host, And craze their chariot wheels.

  2. To weaken; to impair; to render decrepit. [Obs.]

    Till length of years, And sedentary numbness, craze my limbs.

  3. To derange the intellect of; to render insane.

    Any man . . . that is crazed and out of his wits.

    Grief hath crazed my wits.


n. A covering of fine cracks on a hard smooth surface such as a glazed object or car exterior. vb. (present participle of craze English)


Crazing is the phenomenon that produces a network of fine cracks on the surface of a material, for example in a glaze layer. Crazing frequently precedes fracture in some glassy thermoplastic polymers. Crazing occurs in regions of high hydrostatic tension, or in regions of very localized yielding, which leads to the formation of interpenetrating microvoids and small fibrils. If an applied tensile load is sufficient, these bridges elongate and break, causing the microvoids to grow and coalesce; as microvoids coalesce, cracks begin to form.

Usage examples of "crazing".

The lynchings evoked editorial cautions against crazing Negroes with cocaine to get more work out of them.

From a place high up in the middle of the air, where now the children could see a strange orange spiderweb of light spreading like a starburst of filament-fine lines, crazing in the trembling air as a projectile crazes glass.

Irregular fissures streaked the surface like the Oriflamme's hull crazing magnified.

Irregular fissures streaked the surface like theOriflamme 's hull crazing magnified.

This is what the old paladins taught him: The crazing in the air was a tearing of the fabric of time.

The morning light at the window whitened her skin and showed its tiny veins crazing its tissue, and its dusting of pale hairs, its moles scattered like flakes, and the soft contours of breasts lying like full pouches of milk against her fingers and thumbs.

The flashing steel spinning through the air bore vivid crazings of purple that cried "Poison!

Not garish reds and blues and yellows, but the correct dulled tones, with authentic little cracks and crazings in the white, which was nearer a grey.