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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Crawl stroke

Crawl stroke \Crawl stroke\ (Swimming) A racing stroke, in which the swimmer, lying flat on the water with face submerged, takes alternate overhand arm strokes while moving his legs up and down alternately from the knee.

Usage examples of "crawl stroke".

Her powerful crawl stroke had brought her most of the way to shore before the men could organize their response.

The veil dug painfully at the comers of his mouth, and the stranger seemed to come close to wake-fulness several times, contorting himself and dragging at Paul's already less-than-Olympian crawl stroke.

Doc established a slow crawl stroke and they moved away from China.

Kat's strong crawl stroke had picked up in tempo, and she pulled away from him.

She struck out for it, raising her arms out of the water now in a clumsy crawl stroke, breathing hard.

I went there with him three times a week throughout my childhood, a Monday, Wednesday, Friday early morning ritual with the clockwork regularity of a good front-crawl stroke.

It took a good fifteen minutes to find any semblance of the crawl stroke he had won swimming meets with in college.

Jo swam the length of the pool slowly, methodically, using an overhand crawl stroke that provided the most propulsion through the water for the least amount of exertion.

He did a shallow dive and started to swim in a smooth-looking crawl stroke.

The two strong swimmers in front had tied the buddy lines around their chests so they could do a powerful crawl stroke.