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adv. In a craven manner.

Usage examples of "cravenly".

Holy Land, Lententide in Rome, Holy Week at Compostella while their families were left starving at home, where they eventually returned decked with cockleshells to recount their adventures, and receive the applause and reverent congratulations of their lesser neighbors who had cravenly remained at home to work for their living.

Or was he simply, cravenly, hoping that the Giants would allow him to survive, when all the other Olympians had been wiped out?

Jacques Offenbach hastily left Paris for Italy, and thus earned himself a double damnation, for having cravenly deserted the city in these dire days, and for having been such a prominent fixture of it until now.

Further, Nataly put on, rather cravenly an air, of distress, or she half designingly permitted her trouble to be seen, by way of affecting her girl's recollection when the confession was to come, that Nesta might then understand her to have been restrained from speaking, not evasive of her duty.

The result might be a sweeping stroke that looked spontaneous and inevitable, but in nerving myself each time to scrape down to the grey I was cravenly aware that a mistake couldn't be put right.

He might assert that he had the right to set off and establish a stake when the colony was obviously in terrible straits, but to Benden, it sounded more as if Kimmer had fled cravenly.