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  1. Marked by craters v

  2. (en-past of: crater)

Usage examples of "cratered".

On Mars, you had one young hemisphere, smooth and unblemished, the other heavily cratered, ancient.

Speeding over the close horizon, they were coming to what looked like an escarpment, a ridge marking out the edge of the cratered terrain.

But the visionaries were dealt a severe blow when the pictures of Mars returned by the early Mariners showed a bleak lunarlike cratered landscape.

This was some of the oldest surface on the planet, cratered to saturation in the earliest years of torrential bombardment.

A lot of rebels had come in from other towns or the cratered highlands, and they slept on the park grass.

She instinctively regulated her 'sight' until the skin lost its cratered look and the pores assumed normal proportions.

Moreover, the cratered Moon and the spotted Sun challenged the perfection of the heavens.

Battered, cratered terrain and abundant impact basins cover other moons in the Saturn system.

A dozen humans, all Americans, have made those odd bounding motions they called "moonwalks" on the crunchy, cratered, ancient gray lava—beginning on that July day in 1969.

Its most interesting aspect perhaps is its cratered surface, a record of ancient ,catastrophic impacts, on the Earth as well as on the Moon.

Its bleary northern hemisphere, smudged with extended dune drifts and heavily mantled rocksheets, breaks below the equator into scorched basins and a webwork of ancient cratered highlands.

Munk's silver cowl glints below, where he stands on a sandstone anvil overlooking the couloir that cuts the most direct path through the rings within rings of cratered waste.

At last, as the yacht approached, he distinguished the shape of the gigantic uneven lump of cratered rock, growing larger with each passing moment.

The hulks of about a dozen burned-out aircraft had been bulldozed off the cratered apron area, which was still being cleared and repaired.

The airfield buildings and hangars were blown to pieces, the fuel storage area at one end ablaze, and the two major runways cratered and strewn with wrecked aircraft.