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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Crape \Crape\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Craped (kr[=a]pt); p. pr. & vb. n. Craping.] [F. cr[^e]per, fr. L. crispare to curl, crisp, fr. crispus. See Crape, n.] To form into ringlets; to curl; to crimp; to friz; as, to crape the hair; to crape silk.

The hour for curling and craping the hair.
--Mad. D'Arblay.


vb. (present participle of crape English)

Usage examples of "craping".

However, since Clare East he had always had a taste for older women, and Marjorie Weston was slim and athletic from swimming and tennis and meticulously tanned to disguise the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes and the first signs of craping at her throat.

He stood istening now for the sound of a door being eased open or shoes craping on steel or a weapon clinking ever so faintly against a ulkhead.