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CRAOL, also called the Community Radio Forum of Ireland, is the representative, co-ordinating, lobbying, training and support group for Irish Community Radio. Every week, across Ireland, 2000 Community radio volunteers broadcasts to 170,000 people in 20 fully licensed stations and 42 aspirant stations. The organisation runs a helpline to assist in the development of community radio. In May 2010, Craol launched a programme exchange and resource bank on its website based on an agreement for mutual co-operation between member stations. Craol is a registered provider of FETAC Accredited training and many of its members now deliver within their own communities that is quality assured by Craol.

Craol receives funding from the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland and the support organization The Wheel.

On July 18, 2010, Craol hosted the first ever community radio conference in Croke Park Dublin with the opening address given by Steve Buckley, president of World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters.