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cranial nerves

n. (cranial nerve English)

Cranial nerves

Cranial nerves are the nerves that emerge directly from the brain (including the brainstem), in contrast to spinal nerves (which emerge from segments of the spinal cord). Cranial nerves relay information between the brain and parts of the body, primarily to and from regions of the head and neck.

Spinal nerves emerge sequentially from the spinal cord with the spinal nerve closest to the head ( C1) emerging in the space above the first cervical vertebra. The cranial nerves, however, emerge from the central nervous system above this level. Each cranial nerve is paired and is present on both sides. Depending on definition in humans there are twelve or thirteen cranial nerves pairs, which are assigned Roman numerals I–XII, sometimes also including cranial nerve zero. The numbering of the cranial nerves is based on the order in which they emerge from the brain, front to back ( brainstem).

The terminal nerves, olfactory nerves (I) and optic nerves (II) emerge from the cerebrum or forebrain, and the remaining ten pairs arise from the brainstem, which is the lower part of the brain.

The cranial nerves are considered components of the peripheral nervous system (PNS), although on a structural level the olfactory, optic and terminal nerves are more accurately considered part of the central nervous system (CNS).

Usage examples of "cranial nerves".

It receives this name because its course carries it over a far larger part of the body than is true of the remaining cranial nerves.

Unlike the other cranial nerves, which are concerned with the special senses or distributed to the skin and muscles of the head and neck, the vagus, as its name implies, strays downward into the chest and abdomen supplying branches to the throat, lungs, heart and stomach and forms an important connecting link between the brain and the sympathetic nervous system.

What he couldn't figure out might only mean that his cranial nerves weren't firing.

It was also documented that the patient had a total paralysis following his anesthetic complication that involved not only the spinal cord but cranial nerves as well.

There's twelve pairs of cranial nerves you've got to extend through the neck and down to the abdomen, for one thing.

Sherrington, by experiments on dogs, showed that many of the usual marks of emotion were present in their behaviour even when, by severing the spinal cord in the lower cervical region, the viscera were cut off from all communication with the brain, except that existing through certain cranial nerves.

The wings withdrew, as well, but an even more disturbing and astonishing sensation overcame her: She grew intimately, acutely aware of every nerve pathway in her body, could feel -- as heat, as a tingle of current -- the exact location and the complex course of all twelve pairs of cranial nerves, all thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves.

She grew intimately, acutely aware of every nerve pathway in her body, could feel as heat, as a tingle of current the exact location and the complex course of all twelve pairs of cranial nerves, all thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves.

The wings withdrew, as well, but an even more disturbing and astonishing sensation overcame her: She grew intimately, acutely aware of every nerve pathway in her body, could feel - as heat, as a tingle of current - the exact location and the complex course of all twelve pairs of cranial nerves, all thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves.

It seemed also as though the cranial nerves were partially paralyzed.

The initial focus of the attack was in the cranial nerves, resulting in problems with eyesight, hearing, and speech.