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n. (plural of crafter English)

Usage examples of "crafters".

There are not enough young men left in the Iron Valleys for more companies to be raised, not without weakening the merchants and crafters and breaking the promises the Lord-Protector has made.

If we don't, they'll disappear, and they won't flee back to Fairhaven, and then we won't have crafters, and neither will the folk at home.

Besides, if we get the walls and all the piers back, come spring, there will be people returning and paying crafters to rebuild-or doing it themselves.

The shops of the first crafters were as he had recalled, including the old potter's, but the one that had held the weaver's shop-where he had first seen Pattera that now held yet another potter, if the emblem over the door were true.

If the Council tariffed the small crafters and holds, they wouldn’t have the coins to buy the goods of the large merchants.

The traders in Dekhron, and those few others all along the Vedra, probably had more in common with Lanachrona than they did with crafters of Iron Stem and the herders of the north, and the nightsheep herders were few and far between across the arid quarasote plains.

But basic tariff levies on crafters and artisans and farmers will go up in a year, and then more in another year.

There are already many crafters without sons, and, while their wives and daughters can carry on now, if too many more are lost there will be too few to pass on their crafts to the children.

The undercaptains and captains come from the crafters and less prosperous merchants.

Since the first traders and crafters fled, no one else has appeared coming north or east out of Hyalt.

We rode here to discover why the people of Hyalt were driving out merchants and crafters and killing strangers.

We're just poor lancer officers who didn't want to be crafters or holders, slaving until we died.

Every trader and factor, and even the larger crafters, will be watching this Alucius.

Alucius and Sanasus checked the inventories of everything against the ledgers, then began to go over the ledgers line by line, sorting out what they calculated had been paid to various crafters, growers, and factors, and what had been recorded as being paid.

I've asked several respected traders and crafters to look at the Guard ledgers as well to attest to what we have discovered.