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n. A board of the kind traditionally used by Native Americans for carrying a baby.


Cradleboards are traditional protective baby-carriers used by many indigenous cultures in North America. There are a variety of styles of cradleboard, reflecting the diverse artisan practises of indigenous cultures. Some indigenous communities in North America still use cradleboards.

Usage examples of "cradleboard".

Even Nathaniel, snug and secure in his cradleboard, seemed to sense the tension surrounding him.

Dream Singer, the cradleboard strapped to her slender back, kept pace with his long-legged stride.

A lone figure, with a child strapped in a cradleboard slung on her back, struggled forward.

One of the older women held a cradleboard, and without hesitation she walked up to Roger and pressed it into his arms, saying something in Mohawk.

Heaping a miscellany of wood and baskets at the entrance, Vreesar sat poised on a throne made from a cradleboard laid between two stools.

She disengaged Daniel from the second cradleboard and handed him to Hannah.

Grandma Fawn traded a friend one of her best beaded shifts for the cradleboard anyway.

After having observed the women of his clan carrying babies in cradleboards on their back while hoeing corn or carrying wood, she failed to understand how he could justify such a statement.

Gaal in all, with their tents and cookpots and travois and hann and fur rugs and axes and armlets and cradleboards and tinderboxes, all their scant belongings, and their fear of the Whiter, and their hunger.

Before long there were more women, a few slipping between the trees with cradleboards on their backs, others with bigger children they had scooped up in their arms, all of them trying to fade into the deep forest and away from that awful place.

She seemed not at all surprised to find more guests at the door with infants in cradleboards on their backs.

These cradleboards look great, you know, you can fill them with arrangements of dried flowers, and hang them on your kitchen wall.

Apache babies were kept bound in cradleboards, but maybe that was only when the mother was carrying it around.