Crossword clues for crackles
Crackles, crepitations, or rales ( or ) are the clicking, rattling, or crackling noises that may be made by one or both lungs of a human with a respiratory disease during inhalation. They are often heard only with a stethoscope ("on auscultation"). Bilateral crackles refers to the presence of crackles in both lungs.
Basal or basilar crackles (not to be confused with the basilar artery of the brain) are crackles apparently originating in or near the base of the lung. Bibasal or bibasilar crackles refer to crackles at the bases of both the left and right lungs. Bilateral basal crackles also refers to the presence of basal crackles in both lungs.
Crackles are caused by the "popping open" of small airways and alveoli collapsed by fluid, exudate, or lack of aeration during expiration. The word "rales" derives from the French word rĂ¢le meaning "rattle".
Crackles can be heard in patients with pneumonia, atelectasis, pulmonary fibrosis, acute bronchitis, bronchiectasis, interstitial lung disease or post thoracotomy or metastasis ablation. Pulmonary edema secondary to left-sided congestive heart failure can also cause rales.
Usage examples of "crackles".
The cassock had returned to his original priest robe, tiny crackles of energy rippling along the voluminous fabric.
She could hear the San Francisco operator, far off, getting San Francisco information for the number, then many pops and crackles in her ear, and at last the ringing noise itself.
Kohl was still the red vinyl record folded into the shape of a mouth, but now the record was cracked, splintered into a hundred pieces all loosely hanging together in the air, and Kohl's cold voice was full of broken crackles too, which actually made it sound less menacing.
All it needed was a few crackles and he'd sound just like the recording from Pierre's.
Gulls multiply in flight: torn tissue paper crackles, is smoothed, is spread out wide.
Once a crisp shaving crackles, but no lumber shed goes up sky-high in flames, contributing an item to the local papers: Langfuhr carpenter shop a total loss.
There were storms, and white crackles of lightening, and the boom of a wind which was so unlike the kamasheen.
I can't feel my heartbeat, just a sizzling hiss behind my ribs that crackles in my ears like lightning on a radio.
But sound was coming through: traditional astronauts' voices, distorted and overlaid with pops and crackles, and with a judder imposed by the lousy bandwidth of the compressed signals.