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n. (plural of crackerjack English)

Usage examples of "crackerjacks".

She and her own personal Daddy up in the front row, they sat in the front rows of the narrow little overinsulated -plexes up in neck-crick territory and let the screen fill their whole visual field, her hand in his lap and their big box of Crackerjacks in her hand and sodapops secure in little rings cut out of the plastic of their seats' arms.

After hiding it away, he had used considerable ingenuity to fake its destruction under the watchful gaze of the Shogun's representative in a spectacular bonfire containing crackerjacks and several concealed charges of gunpowder.

It's like crackerjacks, you know, the more they get the more they want.

He got a surprise out of her pack of Crackerjacks that the manufacturer never put inside.