Crackanory is a storytelling television series aimed at adults, inspired by the popular children's series Jackanory. Each episode features two 15-minute tales narrated by contemporary comedians and actors, containing a mix of live action, original music and animation, all read from the same oversized chair, in a set consistent and reflective of the story. The first series attracted widespread critical acclaim and over half a million viewers to Dave.
A second series was broadcast in 2014, and featured comedian Rik Mayall, who recorded a story just before his death. Channel boss Steve North was quoted as saying that it was a "complete privilege" to work with Mayall.
The third series, commissioned by UKTV was broadcast in December 2015 and was sponsored by the Amazon-owned digital audio service Audible. The guest story readers for the six-part series included Christopher Lloyd, known for his roles in long-running sitcom Taxi and as Doc Brown in the Back To The Future trilogy.