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Cozareg is South Africa's first online domain registration and management system where the general public have free access to registering domain names directly with Uniforum SA, as well as managing their domain names in a unique online control panel.

The company was founded by Rian Visser and Kiowa Nieuwoudt in January 2011 after number complaints from the public confirming the complexity involved in registering domain names and managing their assets. Complaints have, however, been coming forth for a long period of time.

Cozareg received a number of positive comments from tech users and normal Internet users alike. The service was also featured in News24, where it also received positive comments for the ease of use to the normal Internet user for its first technological advancement in online domain management.

In February 2011, Cozareg launched its control panel from where users can manage their domain names, another first invention in South Africa. Cozareg allows users to update their domain names, transfer domains to fellow users and manage payment of their domains to Uniforum SA from a centralized control panel.