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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Coxcombical \Cox*comb"ic*al\ (k?ks-k?m"?-kal), a. Befitting or indicating a coxcomb; like a coxcomb; foppish; conceited. -- Cox*comb"ic*al*ly, adv.

Studded all over in coxcombical fashion with little brass nails.
--W. Irving.

  1. Like, or in the style of, a coxcom

Usage examples of "coxcombical".

For he is, by heaven, the most self-satisfied, and the shallowest, and the most coxcombical and utterly brainless ass!

When an infant, they gave him for governor the vainest, most coxcombical, stupidest of men--the duc de Villeroi, who had so well served the king (si bien servi le roi),* * The countess alludes to the chanson written, after his famous defeat, "Villeroi, Villeroi a fort bien servi le roi.