Crossword clues for cowskin
The Collaborative International Dictionary
cowskin \cowskin\ n. leather from the skin of a cow.
Syn: cowhide.
n. leather made from the hide of a cow or similar animal
n. leather made from the hide of a cow [syn: cowhide]
Usage examples of "cowskin".
Should it ever be known hereafter, at a time when he stood before the people as a candidate for some high political trust, that he had tamely submitted to the infliction of a cowskin, the revelation would be fatal to all his hopes of ambition, and conclusive against all his social pretensions.
But she was dressed so primitively in a tightly fitted cowskin bodice with sleeves cut to the elbows and an embroidered neckline, and a string skirt whose corded lengths revealed her thighs as she took a step forward.
I was obliged to give her a crack or two of the cowskin to get clear of her.
Furnishing me with a blanket and pillow, they made me a couch on a dry cowskin on the dirt floor at the foot of their bed, and before day broke I had fallen asleep.
Throwing myself back on the cowskin, I asked Dona Anita how long Enrique had been gone in quest of my horse, and was informed that he left before dawn, not even waiting for his customary cup of coffee.
The young woman does not seem to see him or even hear the conversation, and she is dressed quite strangely, in a tightly-fitted cowskin bodice with sleeves cut to the elbows and an embroidered neck, and a string skirt whose corded lengths reveal her thighs.
Jake said, and then wondered aloud what Eldagirt must look like, insisting she was a little old lady with a cowskin handbag.
For the information of my readers, I must observe that a cowskin is a large whip, made like a riding whip, out of the hide of the hippopotamus, or sea-cow, and is proverbial for the severity of punishment it is capable of inflicting.
I turned away with disgust, and walked slowly towards the town and bay of Port Praya, reflecting as I went along what pleasant ideas the poor creatures must entertain of religion, when the name of God and of the cowskin were invariably associated in their minds.
She said she was rich because her father had sold a million cowskins, in Texas, but also in Africa.
In crossing one river one of the horses was so irretrievably stuck in a quicksand that humanity required it to be shot, and at the next, the Umkamas, the stream was so swollen that the Captain had to devise a canoe by sewing two cowskins together with sinews and stretching it upon branches, in which, as no one save himself had any notion of boating, he shoved off alone.
Lavender was there with his cowskin, grinnin' like a chessy cat, and crackin' it about, ready for business.
Twelve cowskins made a lodge about fourteen feet in diameter at the base, and ten feet high.
The tanned cowskins made their lodges, the warmest and most comfortable portable shelters ever devised.
Besides this, they often made a more enduring record of these acts, by reproducing them pictographically on robes, cowskins, and other hides.