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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a covering letterBritish English, a cover letter American English (= that you send with your CV to an employer)
▪ Always enclose a cover letter with your resume.
a dense covering of sth
▪ steep-sided mountains with a dense covering of trees
a floor covering (=a material, such as carpet, that covers a floor)
▪ A carpet fitter can fit floor coverings quickly and inexpensively.
covering letter
▪ Send your CV and a covering letter to the address below.
▪ Furniture, textiles and floor coverings date from the late 1960s or earlier.
▪ Special recessed covers are available which allow you to fit a permanent floor covering.
▪ Osaka's decline is evident in the local prefectural office, a grand stone building with grimy linoleum floor coverings.
▪ Particular attention was paid to the floor coverings, textile and chemicals industries.
▪ Ideally the dwelling should be unoccupied and empty of furniture and floor coverings, although this is usually not possible.
▪ Draw any tacks remaining from previous floor coverings 2 Fill large gaps between boards with strips of wood cut to a wedge-shape.
▪ They will also take up and re-lay loose floor coverings and pack and unpack fragile items such as glass and china.
▪ It was noted in the covering letter which accompanied each questionnaire that the information given by respondents would be treated as confidential.
▪ Response sheets were sent out to these 200 with a covering letter from the agency concerned and 85 positive responses were received.
▪ It had been returned to him almost exactly as he had sent it, with no covering letter or word of explanation.
▪ This covering letter comprehensively covers the sale procedures which should be considered in a flexible sale arrangement.
▪ If this is the case the whole roof covering and battens will need to be replaced.
▪ Any rain penetrating the roof covering is then expelled without entering the roof structure.
▪ However, it was necessary to renew the roof covering of clay plain tiles with identical material.
▪ Many houses, especially those built before the last war, have no roofing felt under the roof covering.
▪ Using nails could disturb the roof covering.
▪ The existing roof covering was completely stripped and the rafters were brush-cleaned.
▪ Reductions mainly in paint, wall coverings, interior doors and bathroom suites.
▪ Embossed Anaglypta and Lincrusta wall coverings in 100 historical patterns from Victorian to modern.
▪ Vinyl wall coverings and paper painted with emulsion can be washed.
▪ Bamboo looks great with sisal or sea grass carpeting and other natural-grass wall coverings.
▪ Lamps, decorative objects, rugs, wall coverings and fabrics are only a few of the most commonly licensed home furnishings.
▪ The insect's shell gives it a tough protective covering.
▪ The prison cells have no electricity and no floor coverings.
▪ Her body lay open before him, her only covering a few wisps of silk.
▪ The ventral interradial areas are also covered with spinelets although the extent and density of covering varies.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Covering \Cov"er*ing\, n. Anything which covers or conceals, as a roof, a screen, a wrapper, clothing, etc.

Noah removed the covering of the ark.
--Gen. viii. 13.

They cause the naked to lodge without clothing, that they have no covering in the cold.
--Job. xxiv. 7.

A covering over the well's mouth.
--2 Sam. xvii. 19.


Cover \Cov"er\ (k?v"?r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Covered (-?rd); p. pr. & vb. n. Covering.] [OF. covrir, F. couvrir, fr. L. cooperire; co- + operire to cover; probably fr. ob towards, over + the root appearing in aperire to open. Cf. Aperient, Overt, Curfew.]

  1. To overspread the surface of (one thing) with another; as, to cover wood with paint or lacquer; to cover a table with a cloth.

  2. To envelop; to clothe, as with a mantle or cloak.

    And with the majesty of darkness round Covers his throne.

    All that beauty than doth cover thee.

  3. To invest (one's self with something); to bring upon (one's self); as, he covered himself with glory.

    The powers that covered themselves with everlasting infamy by the partition of Poland.

  4. To hide sight; to conceal; to cloak; as, the enemy were covered from our sight by the woods.

    A cloud covered the mount.
    --Exod. xxiv. 1

  5. In vain shou striv'st to cover shame with shame.

    5. To brood or sit on; to incubate.

    While the hen is covering her eggs, the male . . . diverts her with his songs.

  6. To overwhelm; to spread over.

    The waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen.
    --Ex. xiv. 28.

  7. To shelter, as from evil or danger; to protect; to defend; as, the cavalry covered the retreat.

    His calm and blameless life Does with substantial blessedness abound, And the soft wings of peace cover him round.

  8. To remove from remembrance; to put away; to remit. ``Blessed is he whose is covered.''
    --Ps. xxxii. 1.

  9. To extend over; to be sufficient for; to comprehend, include, or embrace; to account for or solve; to counterbalance; as, a mortgage which fully covers a sum loaned on it; a law which covers all possible cases of a crime; receipts than do not cover expenses.

  10. To put the usual covering or headdress on.

    Cover thy head . . .; nay, prithee, be covered.

  11. To copulate with (a female); to serve; as, a horse covers a mare; -- said of the male.

    To cover ground or To cover distance, to pass over; as, the rider covered the ground in an hour.

    To cover one's short contracts (Stock Exchange), to buy stock when the market rises, as a dealer who has sold short does in order to protect himself.

    Covering party (Mil.), a detachment of troops sent for the protection of another detachment, as of men working in the trenches.

    To cover into, to transfer to; as, to cover into the treasury.

    Syn: To shelter; screen; shield; hide; overspread.


n. 1 (context countable English) That which covers something. 2 (context uncountable English) Action of the verb ''to cover''. vb. (present participle of cover English)

  1. n. a natural object that covers or envelops; "under a covering of dust"; "the fox was flushed from its cover" [syn: natural covering, cover]

  2. an artifact that covers something else (usually to protect or shelter or conceal it)

  3. the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it; "the cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft" [syn: cover, screening, masking]

  4. the act of protecting something by covering it

  5. the work of applying something; "the doctor prescribed a topical application of iodine"; "a complete bleach requires several applications"; "the surface was ready for a coating of paint"; [syn: application, coating]


Covering may refer to:

Covering (martial arts)

Covering in martial arts is the act of protecting against an opponents strikes by using the arms and shoulders to block and absorb the impact of strikes on the head and torso and prevent injury. Covering is the last line of defense to avoid an incoming strike and consists of putting arms and forearms up and in front of the area on the body that is being blocked. The technique of covering is widely used among martial arts and has a multitude of variations.

Usage examples of "covering".

He followed immediately after, covering her with his naked body, then immediately adjusted himself, side to side and up and down so that his chest hairs abraded her nipples and his erection rested between her legs.

Even when we have demonstrated that all these individual deaths, and the final mass catastrophe, can be blamed on callous aeronautical experiments-perhaps even hostile military demonstrations-carried out by the United States over Mexican territory, some people will remain firmly persuaded that the real responsibility rests on creatures from Jupiter or Polaris, and that somebody is covering up the truth for reasons of policy.

Fully afrown, I paused by a window to draw aside the thin cloth which covered it, immediately discovering the presence of thick, heavy raindrops covering the outside of the maglessa-weave panes.

In fact, Alec saw, the necklace was very nearly the only thing covering her breasts.

And on the angareb the figure beneath the black covering lay as motionless as ever, as inexpressive of life and feeling, though the cold spray broke continually upon its face.

In consequence the annotations have been extended to a somewhat later date, covering decisions of the Supreme Court through June 30, 1952.

The girls looked with horror upon this shameful metamorphosis, the man of the world shaking off his covering and appearing as a galley-slave.

I looked at the dead body of my mother, which Astel was just in the process of covering with a sheet.

Cara helped him lift her up and steer her out from under the awning and into the covering darkness between the two large tents.

All three turned to look for their axes, but the ground was heaving and buckling even more violently and their axes had completely disappeared underneath the loose covering of leaves and pines needles that littered the surface.

The next day, in spite of the increased cold, Gerlinda again roughly bade the maidens go down to the shore and wash, refusing to allow them any covering except one rough linen garment.

Brangwain, and bade her hide from sight of men This marvel covered in a golden cup, So covering in her heart the counsel up As in the gold the wondrous wine lay close.

Amery and young Ian had managed to break their fast without covering themselves and each other with foodstuffs, and Baldric had found his last rhyme without any aid.

Ilias to wait and he pulled Balin to a halt, covering her mouth when she tried to shout.

Irritably Ori ran his right hand over the stubble already covering his shaven pate and face, his left shoulder bandaged and arm still in a sling.