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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
cover price
▪ A steady circulation of 300,000 should make a healthy profit, even at a cover price of 35p.
▪ But with a cover price of twenty five pounds a copy, it's well paid work.
▪ Remember that booksellers take 33 percent of your cover price as commission.
▪ Some sell newspapers, boosting the cover price slightly.
▪ This has enabled the publishers to receive instant revenue from the advertisers and ongoing income from royalties and cover price sales.

Usage examples of "cover price".

But when he checked in the file, there were no briefing notes for the directors to consider the first such notes were attached to item number two: the fall in circulation of the Citizen after the Globe had cut its cover price to ten pence.

They toted up production costs, laid these next to the hardcover sales of my previous four books, and decided that a cover price of $12.

Available wherever paperbacks are sold, or order direct from the Publisher Send cover price plus 500 per copy for mailing and handling to Zebra Books, Dept.

The mark would find almost exactly what he wanted in Devil's Point, whatever it was, and he would get it for the cover price, plus the item cost.