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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Courtesy \Cour"te*sy\ (k?r"t?-s?), n.; pl. Courtesies (-s?z). [OE. cortaisie, corteisie, courtesie, OF. curteisie, cortoisie, OF. curteisie, cortoisie, F. courtoisie, fr. curteis, corteis. See Courteous.]

  1. Politeness; civility; urbanity; courtliness.

    And trust thy honest-offered courtesy, With oft is sooner found in lowly sheds, With smoky rafters, than in tapestry walls And courts of princes, where it first was named, And yet is most pretended.

    Pardon me, Messer Claudio, if once more I use the ancient courtesies of speech.

  2. An act of civility or respect; an act of kindness or favor performed with politeness.

    My lord, for your many courtesies I thank you.

  3. Favor or indulgence, as distinguished from right; as, a title given one by courtesy.

    Courtesy title, a title assumed by a person, or popularly conceded to him, to which he has no valid claim; as, the courtesy title of Lord prefixed to the names of the younger sons of noblemen.

    Syn: Politeness; urbanity; civility; complaisance; affability; courteousness; elegance; refinement; courtliness; good breeding. See Politeness.


n. (plural of courtesy English)

Usage examples of "courtesies".

It was concluded with a series of courtesies and gestures, and the bai subsided into his sled and vanished, and Stavros closed the door for himself, before Duncan could free himself of his confusion and do so.

His father was observing all the courtesies, but there was tightness in him that Jon had seldom seen before.

Sansa was so captivated that she quite forgot all her courtesies and ignored Septa Mordane, seated to her left.

A lady remembered her courtesies, and she was resolved to be a lady no matter what.

Instead of offering courtesies to a Sitter, though, all three stared at Yukiri and Meidani the way cats stared at strange dogs.

One took his bridle with a hurried curtsy for Elayne, more concerned with seeing that the tall gelding made no bother while Elayne dismounted than with mak­ing courtesies herself, and another who made his bow and remained bent with his hands making a stirrup for Elayne.

The proper courtesies must be maintained, until there was evidence to convict.

She had no need for elaborate bows and courtesies every time she turned around, not beyond what seemliness demanded, and her people knew better than to do anything other than what she commanded.

The courtesies had to be maintained, though, no matter how often she wished she could box someone’s ears, yet no one could think she was being snubbed if Egwene did not see her.

Making their courtesies, the pair joined Anaiya and the other two, a little distance behind Egwene.

Berana, face a mask of haughtiness and big brown eyes as cold as the snow, paused to offer cool courtesies to Egwene and frown at Akarrin.

As usual, families of novices hurried along the wooden walkways, usually managing to make their courtesies to passing Aes Sedai without slowing.

None of the courtesies did these youngling regul use with him, even when he protested their rough handling of their belongings.

There was, instead of the welcome they had expected—like most regul courtesies, carefully controlled and managed—a still and ghostly quiet about the port, as if they and the younglings were the only living things about the premises.

This struck through all courtesies and lack of them, commanding Hulagh's attention.