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n. (plural of courtesan English)

Usage examples of "courtesans".

Robson keeps the story moving deftly through the separate worlds of courtesans, warriors, priests, peasants, poets and actors, with an eye to the complex rules that govern them all.

They would lie hip to hip and talk of actors and of their home villages and of the latest fashions worn by the courtesans of the Yoshiwara.

At night the rooms there served for assignations with courtesans from the House of the Trout next door.

The courtesans had originally used it, but it had caught on among women of fashion in both capitals.

The lower-class courtesans sat behind the wooden latticework facades of their brothels.

Since the guest of honor was advanced in years, the courtesans and jesters were performing an indelicate burlesque of the ceremony for the dead.

Parsentac and holer grubbs, the herbs courtesans took to prevent conception.

Honce, play now, and have always played in keeping the courtesans infertile.

Night Court, but the well-educated courtesans of La Serenissima were gaining renown throughout Caerdicca Unitas.