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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Coupling box

Coupling \Coup"ling\ (-l?ng), n.

  1. The act of bringing or coming together; connection; sexual union.

  2. (Mach.) A device or contrivance which serves to couple or connect adjacent parts or objects; as, a belt coupling, which connects the ends of a belt; a car coupling, which connects the cars in a train; a shaft coupling, which connects the ends of shafts.

    Box coupling, Chain coupling. See under Box, Chain.

    Coupling box, a coupling shaped like a journal box, for clamping together the ends of two shafts, so that they may revolve together.

    Coupling pin, a pin or bolt used in coupling or joining together railroad cars, etc.

Usage examples of "coupling box".

The section of back wall beside the power coupling box, where he and Klif had installed their hidden storage compartment, seemed to be untouched.