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n. (alternative spelling of counter-terrorism English)


n. a strategy intended to prevent or counter terrorism

Usage examples of "counterterrorism".

For the CIA, he essentially stopped cutting allocations and supported requests for supplemental funds for counterterrorism.

What little covert action capability the agency retained was now nearly all engaged in counterterrorism intelligence collection and a handful of operatives trying to keep track of Russian nuclear weapons.

The Congressional Intelligence Oversight Committee is directly responsible for approving programs of counter proliferation counterterrorism, counternarcotics, counterintelligence, and covert activities abroad.

The teams were essentially for counterterrorism, the CIA told the Turks, intending to focus on the threat represented by Ansar al-Islam, a radical terrorist group that violently opposed the secular Kurdish parties and allegedly ran poison laboratories in a village in Iraq close to the Iranian border.

It has primary responsibility for counterterrorism, with my old outfit, GSG-9, providing muscle when terrorists have been identified and located.

I'd say Unit Thirteen - the Special Forces Unified Command domestic counterterrorism team.

In the more than two years since the World Trade Center bombing, I had increased counterterrorism resources for the FBI and CIA and instructed them to work together more closely.