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n. (plural of counterrevolutionary English)

Usage examples of "counterrevolutionaries".

Had her cousin, her geometry teacher, and the man who ran the tobacconist’s shop across from her block of flats truly been counterrevolutionaries, wreckers, spies for the Trotskyites or the decadent imperialists?

It didn’t mean much in the war, and it didn’t keep the counterrevolutionaries from harassing us, too.

He leaned forward, and the dragon bent his neck back and down as Jon-Tom whispered to him, "There are counterrevolutionaries everywhere!

You could bring, oh, say ten or twelve Cubs, a hundred and fifty soldiers each, and they would defend the center of the city against the counterrevolutionaries and wait for the tanks coming in from the east.

Says Gao Yuan, they uncovered "hooligans and bad eggs, filthy rich peasants and son-of-a-bitch landlords, bloodsucking capitalists and neobourgeoisie, historical counterrevolutionaries and active counterrevolutionaries, rightists and ultrarightists, alien class elements and degenerate elements, reactionaries and opportunists, counterrevolutionary revisionists, imperialist running dogs, and spies.