vb. To act as a counterweight; to counterbalance.
v. constitute a counterweight or counterbalance to [syn: counterweight, counterpoise]
Usage examples of "counterpose".
Fourth, and perhaps most importantly, until the last few post-Marxist years, Soviet psychology and neurophysiology were set within a specific philosophical tradition which explicitly counterposed a dialectical understanding of mind-brain relations to the mechanistic reductionism which dominates Anglo-American science.
Romantic and counter-revolutionary values, Slavophilism counterposed the Russian people and the Russian state in a provocative fashion that had the profoundest consequences for Russian culture in general and social thought in particular.
An ally's capacity of being tamed was counterposed to the incapacity of other powers, which were similar to an ally except that they did not yield to being manipulated.
Beside their faces she counterposed Father Hoockâs when Nair told him how his new young wife had corrupted their firstborn.
But Faulkner shows compassion for many of his evil-doing characters and counterposes them to good people like Byron Bunch.