Crossword clues for countered
vb. (en-past of: counter)
Usage examples of "countered".
Broughton countered, in the interest of considering all alternatives, not because he really disagreed with Witcinski.
Diamalan Senator Porolo Miatamia countered, his voice the glacial calm of his species.
Bariden countered, holding his reaction down to no more than faint amusement.
Chalaine countered, apparently having regained some control of herself.
Bariden countered with a smile, answering the coy charge that had been aimed solely at him.
Dumb stuff, but they immediately countered with the void commands and wiped it out quickly.
Roger countered as he dug into his pocket for his phone, feeling his face flush with annoyance.
Halfdan countered, his hand hovering in the air halfway to his scarred cheek.
Karrde countered, an uncharacteristic touch of bitterness seeping into his voice and mood.
Luke countered, resting his hand on his own blaster in response and looking around the landing bay.
But May was one of the few people who could meet Edwin blow for blow, word for word, arcane term for arcane term, and she countered his Latin with an untranslatable ol her own.