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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Counterchanged \Coun`ter*changed"\ (-ch?njd"), a.

  1. Exchanged.

  2. (Her.) Having the tinctures exchanged mutually; thus, if the field is divided palewise, or and azure, and cross is borne counterchanged, that part of the cross which comes on the azure side will be or, and that on the or side will be azure.


Counterchange \Coun`ter*change"\ (koun`t[~e]r*ch[=a]nj), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Counterchanged (-ch?njd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Counterchanging.]

  1. To give and receive; to cause to change places; to exchange.

  2. To checker; to diversify, as in heraldic counterchanging. See Counterchaged, a., 2.

    Witch-elms, that counterchange the floor Of this flat lawn with dusk and bright.


a. 1 exchanged 2 (context heraldry English) Having the tinctures exchanged mutually.

Usage examples of "counterchanged".

Even Sigfryd Silverhair showed two scythes counterchanged on a field divided bend-wise.

Aquarius and Aries are therefore counterchanged, revolving on the pivot of Pisces, just as, in the Trumps VIII and XI, Leo and Libra do about Virgo.

Rather, they matched perfectly except for their colours, since the shield had been counterchanged: the sinister half was white wherever the dexter was black, and vice versa, so that the left half of the chevron was black and the right half white, while the left half of the charge was white and the right black, and so forth.