n. (plural of counterattack nodot=1 English); (alternative spelling of counter-attacks nocaps=1 English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: counterattack); (alternative spelling of counter-attacks nocaps=1 English)
Usage examples of "counterattacks".
Moreover, the slower the advance, the more time the Iraqis will have to shift their forces, build new defenses, and devise traps and counterattacks for our troops.
There are two examples from the Gulf War and one from Kosovo of enemy counterattacks hit by U.
After Iran seized the al-Faw peninsula in 1986 and Iraq's massive counterattacks failed, Saddam kicked off a new campaign against Iranian shipping in the Gulf, removed the last political constraints on his generals, allowed the expansion and rebuilding of the Republican Guard as an elite offensive force, and ordered the development of longer-range missiles and WMD warheads so that he could strike Tehran and Iran's other major cities to try to force an end to the war.
The concept is for the small INC forces to lure the Republican Guard divisions out into the open and get them to concentrate for counterattacks, which would leave them vulnerable to U.
If we were fortunate, the Iraqis would take the initiative and try to smash the opposition forces in counterattacks that would present the best opportunities for U.
To a great extent, American air power would have to "break" these counterattacks before they could do much damage to the opposition forces.
Thus, an invasion would have to deal with the same set of Iraqi counterattacks as the Afghan Approach.
Meanwhile, during the-nights of 7 and 8 June, the two panzer divisions, the Panzer Lehr Division and the 12th SS Panzer Division, having arrived at the invasion front after hard and costly marches from their concentration areas far to the east and south of Caen, had been thrown into counterattacks and defensive fi'ghting west of Caen.
In bitter counterattacks elements of two out of the total of three new panzer brigades regained part of the town.
THE STORY OF MAJOR WILLI KURZ While Koniev made strong thrusts in the Goerlitz area, in an attempt to divert attention from his planned major offensive over the Neisse, elements of my division were constantly engaged in counterattacks, in which my II Battalion under Major Willi Kurz was also involved.
I imagine the Peeps will try a few counterattacks, but I also expect the Manties to chew them up when they do.
With fewer but more powerful forces covering larger spheres of space, counterattacks could easily squash any Peep activities in the Alliance's rear and simultaneously free dozens of ships of the wall for White Haven, which would let him keep the Peeps far too busy fighting to protect the heart of their empire to poke any hornets' nests in the Alliance's rear areas, anyway.
Desperately as we may need distractions to weaken and divert any counterattacks headed in our direction, we can't justify throwing entire planetary populations to the wolves if they have no realistic chance of achieving victory.
We believe the odds will move steadily in our favor, assuming we can survive their initial counterattacks, but there are no guarantees.
The German edition opens with an analysis of the Soviet counterattacks in the winter of 1941-1942.