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n. (plural of couch English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: couch)


Couches is a commune in the SaƓne-et-Loire department in the region of Bourgogne in eastern France.

Usage examples of "couches".

No end tables or couches were anywhere to be seen, nor any crowds of curious bystanders that animated furniture might have attracted.

Assorted couches, tables, and chairs were arranged in three neat groupings.

He turned over the couches, lifted the cushions, squeezed the pillows, flipped the coffee table, ran his hands along the back of every picture frame, examined the television, turned over the VCR, inspected every videotape, pulled apart the closet, checked the pockets of every coat, opened every umbrella, peeked into baseball gloves, peered into tennis-ball cans, looked behind the toilet, cleared out the refrigerator, picked through all the cabinets, lifted every appliance, emptied every drawer, scrutinized every lamp, and took apart every phone.

He sat back on one of the canary-yellow couches and kicked his feet up onto the coffee table.

In the couches behind him were the eight marines assigned to his lander.

The fifth was used for miscellaneous storage, and Ryba and Nylan rattled around in a sixth level that had little in it except for the two lander couches lashed together and a few weapons and personal effects.

She sat back on the joined lander couches that served as their bed and pulled on her boots.

Later, much later, as they lay on the joined couches that they still shared, Nylan held her hand and looked at Freyja, wondering if the peak had a fiery center like Ryba.

He walked around the couches toward where the marshal of Westwind stood.

His feet were cold by the time he slipped into the joined couches up on the sixth level.

The joined couches had been moved toward the window because the ice and snow melting off the slate stone roof had revealed more than a few leaks that dripped down into the top level of the tower.

The long, oak tables and benches were interspersed with couches, for throughout the empire at this time it remained a matter of local customor simply of personal choicewhether one ate sitting or reclining, and a particularly prolonged and enjoyable dinner might well begin with the first and conclude with the second.

At this point several of the men left the benches for couches near-by, their companions following to feed them where they lay.

There were two carved, wooden couches covered with thick towels and rugs, and a deep, open-fronted recess stacked with wraps, slippers, brushes and at least three silver hand-mirrors.

Beside this were two couches, spread with as many cushions as even Sencho could have wished.