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Crossword clues for costate

The Collaborative International Dictionary

Costate \Cos"tate\ (k?s"t?t), Costated \Cos"ta*ted\ (-t?-t?d),

  1. [L. costatus, fr. costa ri

  2. ] Having ribs, or the appearance of ribs; (Bot.) having one or more longitudinal ribs.


a. 1 Having ribs, or the appearance of ribs. 2 (context botany English) Having one or more longitudinal ribs.

  1. adj. (of the surface of shells) having a rough, rib-like texture [syn: ribbed]

  2. having ribs

Usage examples of "costate".

Dalle finestre della ca­mera da letto si godeva un'ampia, splendida vista della città, il che spiegava agli ospiti invitati a pranzo come mai quelle quattro stanze fossero costate una cifra astronomica.