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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Cossus ligniperda

Goat \Goat\ (g[=o]t), n. [OE goot, got, gat, AS. g[=a]t; akin to D. geit, OHG. geiz, G. geiss, Icel. geit, Sw. get, Dan. ged, Goth. gaits, L. haedus a young goat, kid.] (Zo["o]l.) A hollow-horned ruminant of the genus Capra, of several species and varieties, esp. the domestic goat ( Capra hircus), which is raised for its milk, flesh, and skin. Note: The Cashmere and Angora varieties of the goat have long, silky hair, used in the manufacture of textile fabrics. The wild or bezoar goat ( Capra [ae]gagrus), of Asia Minor, noted for the bezoar stones found in its stomach, is supposed to be one of the ancestral species of the domestic goat. The Rocky Mountain goat ( Haplocercus montanus) is more nearly related to the antelopes. See Mazame. Goat antelope (Zo["o]l), one of several species of antelopes, which in some respects resemble a goat, having recurved horns, a stout body, large hoofs, and a short, flat tail, as the goral, thar, mazame, and chikara. Goat fig (Bot.), the wild fig. Goat house.

  1. A place for keeping goats.

  2. A brothel. [Obs.]

    Goat moth (Zo["o]l.), any moth of the genus Cossus, esp. the large European species ( Cossus ligniperda), the larva of which burrows in oak and willow trees, and requires three years to mature. It exhales an odor like that of the he-goat.

    Goat weed (Bot.), a scrophulariaceous plant, of the genus Capraria ( Capraria biflora).

    Goat's bane (Bot.), a poisonous plant ( Aconitum Lucoctonum), bearing pale yellow flowers, introduced from Switzerland into England; wolfsbane.

    Goat's foot (Bot.), a kind of wood sorrel ( Oxalis caprina) growing at the Cape of Good Hope.

    Goat's rue (Bot.), a leguminous plant ( Galega officinalis of Europe, or Tephrosia Virginiana in the United States).

    Goat's thorn (Bot.), a thorny leguminous plant ( Astragalus Tragacanthus), found in the Levant.

    Goat's wheat (Bot.), the genus Tragopyrum (now referred to Atraphaxis).