Crossword clues for cosponsor
n. A joint sponsor vb. To sponsor jointly with another
v. sponsor together with another sponsor
Usage examples of "cosponsor".
The only thing I picked up worth noting was that they cosponsor a rose competition with the River Oaks Garden Club once a year at the VFW hall.
Through a series of meetings with this cosponsor, the team developed several iterations of its business plan.
Senator Bill Frist--the only physician in the Senate and cosponsor of the two major pieces of legislation dealing with this frightening new threat--offers straightforward, practical advice on how to keep your loved ones safe.
For these reasons, I once again joined with Senator Kennedy to cosponsor the Bioterrorism Preparedness Act of 2001, which builds on the foundation we laid two years ago with the Public Health Threats and Emergencies Act and points the way to a safer, more secure future.
The commercial was a cosponsor deal, with CPG splitting the production costs with E-Tech.
July, seeking a cosponsor in the House, I wrote a letter that was copied and hand-delivered to all 436 members.
Even the members who signed on as cosponsors are working behind the scenes to get it tabled.
The consequent reaction among the human populace of this portion of the galaxy upon learning that the destruction had been cosponsored by thranx opposed to any deeper alliance among their respective species ought to put a clamp on any enthusiastic treaty making for some time to come, Skettle knew.
Vanderslice had spoken at rallies cosponsored by the radical gay group ACT UP, famous for a protest at St.
For example, the next year, Florida Republican Congressman Porter Goss cosponsored a bill cutting intelligence personnel by 20 percent over five years.
Aiken convened a conference on automatic computing at Harvard, cosponsored by his longtime patron, the US.
Big gathering cosponsored by the bar association and the California CPAs Foundation at the Cathedral Hill Hotel on the last weekend of the month.
In fact, state representative Glen Maxey cosponsored a death-futures bill in the Texas Legislature with Chisum in order, he said, to bring the trade under the regulation of the state Department of Insurance.
The dawn ride through his two-hundred-acre plantation along the Mississippi north of Baton Rouge a few times a week was a ritual Sinclaire had started almost ten years ago, after cosponsoring a rodeo in south Texas and discovering an affinity for horses he never knew he had.
Corrigan was too preoccupied with technical issues to pay much attention to background politics, but one day the company announced that Feller & Faber were coming in as cosponsors of Oz, which would be set up and run under a new, jointly owned corporation, "Xylog," dedicated to the project.