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Cosmic year (Chinese astrology)

According to Jeung San Do, the universe generates and cultivates life through a cyclic process of birth, growth, harvest, and rest (生長殮藏). This is closely related to the fluctuation and interplay of the two polar energies, yin and yang and its cycle appeared in daily, yearly, and cosmically. 129,600 calendar years make up one Cosmic year and it was discovered by Shao Yung.

Cosmic year

The term "cosmic year" may refer to:

  • Galactic year - the estimated time it takes the Sun to orbit around the Milky Way
  • Cosmic Calendar - a theorized scale of the life of the universe
  • Cosmic year (Chinese astrology) - the cosmic cycle of yin and yang

Usage examples of "cosmic year".

Then every billion years of Earth history would correspond to about twenty-four days of our cosmic year, and one second of that year to 475 real revolutions of the Earth about the sun.