The Collaborative International Dictionary
Cortical \Cor"ti*cal\ (k?r"t?-kal), a. [L. cortex bark: cf. F. cortical.] Belonging to, or consisting of, bark or rind; resembling bark or rind; external; outer; superficial; as, the cortical substance of the kidney.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1670s, from Modern Latin corticalis, from cortex "bark of a tree" (see cortex).
a. 1 (context anatomy English) Pertaining to the outer layer of an internal organ or body structure, such as the kidney or the brain. 2 (context botany English) Pertaining to the cortex of a stem or root—the tissue that lies inward from the epidermis, but exterior to the vascular tissue.
adj. of or relating to a cortex
Usage examples of "cortical".
For each cortical map, the number of ways the cortical map can be activated over a period of time is very large compared to the number of ways it can be activated that produce a constant activity pattern.
The cortical map that responds to chords is one that is activated by pitch values that are consonantly related to pitch values already active in the map.
There is a cortical map that contains a map of neurons activated by the occurrence of regular beats of fixed tempos.
There is a cortical map that contains a map of neurons activated by the lengths of the durations between beats occurring within a rhythm.
Activity in this cortical map has a constant pattern if and only if musical time consists of beats from a hierarchical sequence of beat periods such that each beat period is a multiple of the next period in the sequence.
Each of them carried a laser pistol and a cortical jammer on their belts, along with restraint cuffs.
We can use this concept to model how the brain processes sequences of values such as notes in a melody: the state corresponds to the state of activity in a cortical map, and the events correspond to the information coming into the cortical map about each musical note.
It can also project Sixth Force gates to any wall and render unconscious any number of men by means of a weapon called a cortical suppresser, among other powers.
The flows shown by dashed arrows represent raw information about individual harmonics and processed information about timbre being included in the inputs to cortical maps that process melody.
English army which had given him a bioware endocrine gland implant, a sophisticated construct of neurosecretory cells which consumed his blood and extravasated psi-stimulant neurohormones under the control of a cortical processor.
It was over a hundred times more likely that the equally charged diplodeviant sperm would lash its frenetic way through the zona pellucida and neutralize the inhibiting effect of the cortical granules.
However, because the musical melody consists of notes held at fixed pitches selected from a finite set of values, the response of the cortical map consists of high activity of some neurons and very low or zero activity of other neurons.
In as much as repetitiveness is a perceived quality that we can be consciously aware of, there probably exists some cortical map representing it, since most perceptual qualities have corresponding cortical maps that process and represent them.
Following a similar methodology as for pitch translation invariance, play different rhythms at different tempos, and look for cortical maps whose response is time scaling invariant.
Ott, J and Matthies, H-J Some effects of RNA precursors on development and maintenance of long-term memory: hippocampal and cortical pre- and posttraining application of RNA precursors.